Tuesday, September 11, 2007

He made it

He made it past preliminaries. Here is a link to the Herald Journal's Election Blog http://www.hjnews.com/blog/index.html They typed in the number of Dave's votes incorrectly. He got 374. But there were over 40 provisional ballots, and I was one of them, so I know he'll get at least one more vote :) I had to vote provisionally because I was still registered at my Cobblestone address.

I'm a little overwhelmed at the thought of the campaigning ahead. He has to get a lot of new votes in order to make it into that top 3. But I think he can get a lot of people registered to vote, and they'll vote for him. I think it's really important for him to get in to City Council for the sake of Providence. There are only 2 out of the 6 candidates that aren't trying to pass the water bill that will stop all development. If all 3 of the new council members are trying to stop development, they have the majority, and goodbye development. This is crazy! I may very well have a newborn in that last week before the election, and that's the most important time to campaign. But maybe I won't go as early this time.


Trisha said...

yay, yay, yay! How many make it past?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Dave!!!

Jocee Bergeson said...

Oh so cool. Give us more info! :)

Tiff Rudd said...

Congrats to Dave! We will hope he makes it all the way! Wish we could vote!