Thursday, October 1, 2009

Man vs woman

Man's perspective

Woman's perspective

I asked Dave to go outside and pick tomatoes since it was going to freeze last night. He brought 2 small tupperwares downstairs, looked outside, and thought, "Ahh, there's no ripe tomatoes." I came home that night and he asked if he was supposed to pick the green ones. I growled, put on a sweatshirt, and went out to pick. I filled the two tupperwares and the box lid shown above and came upstairs looking for some buckets. After some pushing and growling I got him to follow me downstairs and out the door where he learned that there were actually quite a few tomatoes. He got some buckets and before long, what do you know? They were full! We had a good laugh over his two little tupperware bowls.


Amber Bradley said...

LOVE IT!!! That is a perfect example of the difference between men and women!

Jocelyn said...

We just picked seven huge boxes of tomatoes on Wednesday and I'm already dreading the coming weeks with them!