Last night Henry had a very average fall that resulted in a head split open and blood gushing. It was lovely :). He just tripped and hit his head on a bar stool, but it was just at the perfect angle to cause damage. It was split wide open, it looked like a big, black hole. I took one look at him and yelled to Dave, "We have to go to the hospital RIGHT NOW!" Remarkably, the gushing/squirting blood stopped within just a few minutes, and he didn't even cry very much. We took him to the ER and luckily they offered us Ketamine to sedate him so we could get him the best stitch job possible. The Ketamine was awesome. He was mad that they gave him a shot, and then I could see the look in his eyes change. "Henry do you feel good?" I asked. "no." He quietly replied as he looked at me with big eyes. "Henry are you sleepy?" "no." a little slower and quieter. And then he was gone. Staring at me with huge blue eyes and nothing behind them. It was a little bit creepy watching him with his eyes open laying perfectly still and snoring. But it lasted the perfect amount of time for them to do the stitches, and then he gradually woke up and we left. He couldn't hold up his head for awhile, and he couldn't walk until this morning, but today he's good as new. Just a little bit grumpy.
The funny things.
-After the initial hit, he hardly cried at all.... except when they took his shoes off to put the monitor on his toe. "He's very sensitive about his shoes and feet," I told them. You would have thought they were stitching him up right then, he screamed so much.
-That initial bleeding got all over both of us. We walked into the ER looking pretty bloody.
-Our ER nurse was actually the one who told Dave to take his shirt off when we showed up at the ER when G. Jesse was born. It was funny, she told us she thought of that line when another lady had her baby in the parking lot and it was really cold. "Dad, take your shirt off." Wow, those ER people are going to know us really well.
Here is my little Frankenstein.

And here is the pose he kept giving me. I have no idea why. He was a little bit loopy, so maybe that explains it.
yowza- that looks awesome! Poor Henry, he's such a sweetie.
Ouch! That's the worst!! This is the first pic of Henry where I've been thinking "OH MY HECK THAT LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE DAVE!!!" Are you seeing this too?! He's such a cutie...
I just squirm looking at the stitches!!! :(
oh man....I remember you saying at YW's my kids hit their heads all the time..then this, I think you need a frequent ER card or something, you should be getting rewards or points for things like this!
Oh, poor Henry! I'm glad that wasn't me - I don't deal with blood well! :)
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