Friday, October 3, 2008

Second Trimester Acceptance Speech

Thank you, thank you. I am pleased to accept this award as I move into the second trimester of my pregnancy. Never have I been so pleased to win the second award instead of the first! I'd like to thank all those who have helped me get to this point, there are too many to name. This is such an honor, as the second trimester is such a step up from the first trimester. I sincerely look forward to this new era as I can stop sleeping all day, hopefully stop throwing up, feel the joy of the baby moving, find out the gender, grow out of all my clothes, and all the other great things that come along with the second trimester.

This first trimester could have been my hardest yet. Not necessarily the sickest, but still the hardest. It included: a lot of sleep, migraine headaches, restless legs, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, growing pains, shortness of breath, and so many other things. It has definitely scarred me enough to make me decide to take a long sabbatical after this baby is born. Yet, I am grateful for this baby, and I'm glad to have 13 weeks of all that behind me.

So, it is with great pleasure that I leave this first trimester and enter the second with high hopes of better days filled with health and productivity. Thank you.


brookiebaby said...

As a member of the second trimester club, I welcome you aboard! :) It is a monumental time, but for some dang reason, it is sooooooo long! :)

Erica said...

Oh Brooke, it's not half as long as the third trimester. :)

Jocee Bergeson said...

Congrats!! I hope you are feeling much better soon...keep us posted on any gender news!! It's a GIRL, I guarantee it. :)