Thursday, October 30, 2008

My body hates pregnancy, it's not my fault!

This body of mine just HATES having a baby inside it. I think it sees the baby as poison or something. Of course there is the sickness part during which my body tries to get the baby out via my throat? At least that's what it feels like. And now I'm in the part where my uterus voices it's opinion with harsh contractions trying to push that baby out the normal way. They hurt, and they bug me, and last night I dreamed I was in labor all night, I guess the contractions continued while I slept. The boys have come at 37, 36, and 35 weeks respectively, and it makes me wonder if this one won't come at 34 weeks. My goal with Daws and Henry was to make it to 37 weeks. With this one, I'm not even shooting for that, I'm just HOPING to make it to 36 weeks. Realistic goals leave you with less disappointment right? I felt like such a failure with Henry that I didn't make it further. It's a good thing he was healthy!

Not that I'm complaining (Okay, I kind of am) but how do some people's bodies LOVE being pregnant, and my body hates it? I mean how can people escape that "sorrow in thy conception" that resulted from the fall?

On a happy note, the nausea is SO much better. Completely controllable with some club soda and spearmint gum! I think I may not even throw up again in this pregnancy! And all these contractions toughen me up for the delivery. I'm actually thinking of going without an epidural this time. I figure nobody's body prepares them longer and more for delivery than mine! Mine gets a really early start.

And of course, it will all be worth it when I have another silly little boy with ridiculously blue eyes to kiss, snuggle, nurse, kiss, adore, show-off, oh and did I mention kiss? I LOVE kissing the brand new skin of a newborn!


brookiebaby said...

My body HATES pregnancy! I've been having these dang contractions since 14 weeks, and now a few weeks ago, it decided that I needed to start back labor as well. I feel like a horrible woman when I hear other women talk about how much the LOVED being pregnant and would be pregnant their whole lives if they could...cuz while I'm ssoooooooo grateful for the fact that I'm pregnant, and absolutley LOVE feeling my little guy move and wiggle and bond with him, I do NOT love pregnancy!!! :)

Tiff Rudd said...

So sorry Erica! Wish I could do something to help!

Tauna said...

I hear ya! to bad time can't just fly by when your pregnant.... it seems to fly by with everything else huh!
Your boys are so sweet. I think it's so neat how they are different and special in their own little way. they come as they come don't they?! How exciting... a new little boy to add to your cute little family!
guess what..... we got the Van!!

Seriously... said...

Hi! Cathie sent me over to your blog...i just found out i'm having my fourth boy. Due close to when you're due probably (beginning of April). Anyway, ever since getting the news of boy #4 moms of 4 boys have been coming out of the woodwork! It's nice talking to people going through the same thing....I've moved from being somewhat acceptance's even a little funny to me. I'm sure I will move to excited soon....but it definitely helps reading other mom's reactions and seeing how they handle their bunch of boys. So good luck to you!!! and congratulations!