Thursday, September 2, 2010


To Suppress means to forcibly put an end to. There is a certain blog post. That I really want to do. I almost wrote the post a few days before my dad died. I started to write the post once. And now, for some strange reason, I realize I have been trying to suppress this urge to write this blog post for awhile. I don't know why I don't want to write it. Maybe because I feel like I should be sick of being a "tragic" person as my sisters call it. But I'm not sick of that. I talked to my mom today. We are all kind of on the same page. The post is called "Sometimes it's like being kicked in the stomach by a horse." Maybe that's why I've never written it. It sounds a little bit dramatic. But it's true. And if you've lost someone close to you, you know I'm right, don't you? Maybe I'll write the post tomorrow. And try to keep it not too dramatic or tragic. I like to be happy.

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