Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Potty training boys

Negative x Negative = Positive

Now apply that formula to two bed wetters getting married and multiplying and replenishing the Earth, and so far, it seems that 3/3 potty trained children are night trained right away. That HAS to be genetic. It can't be our awesome potty training skills because, well we don't have awesome potty training skills. But how do they have early night-training genes, when their parents were both bed wetters? It must be like math. I think I wet the bed until I was 5 or maybe even 6. Dave...... I can't write his age on here, he was too old to admit on here.

A little potty training recap for those who don't remember.

Isaac: My first time. I tried potty training him and suddenly understood how child abusers felt. I was so angry with him, I wanted to beat him. Watching your child hide behind something so they can poop in their underwear makes you pretty mad. If they know enough to hide, they know enough to go in the potty! (Just to let you know, I didn't beat him) I was sure it was linked to his gender and when I found out Henry was a boy (I was pregnant at the time) I cried and cried thinking that I would have to potty train 3 boys. I flew out to Maine for my grandmother's funeral, and Dave potty trained him in one day. He was a little over 3 years old at the time. He was instantly night trained, and after a week he slept in underwear.

Dawson: A few months shy of 3. I had just given birth to the fourth boy who sent me on a tailspin. I was so overwhelmed, and having 3 kids in diapers? Yikes. So I started putting him in underwear. A few hours a day. I think I let him have 2 accidents per day and then gave up and put on a diaper. Within a week or two he was trained. Again, he was night trained immediately.

Potty training Henry. Oh boy. If you've seen Henry with a naked bum..... Cancel that. If you HAVEN'T seen Henry with a naked bum in the last month I would be surprised. A lady from Holland once told me that was how they potty trained their kids in her country. So I tried it. Of course I couldn't take him places like that, so he just got a few hours most days with a naked bum. He had NO accidents like that, so I would start thinking we were there, but he treated underpants like diapers. Yeah, we lost a few pairs of underpants to the unfortunate numero dos. I just threw those away. Yesterday he spent the entire day in underwear and had no accidents, and when I put him to bed he refused a diaper. (For those who know Henry, you know how hard it is to argue with him. He is SO strong willed) So I figured it was worth a try. Since Isaac and Dawson did so well I thought there was a good chance. He woke up dry this morning. He came and laid in bed with me, and then after a few minutes, he got up and went potty. I'm so proud! He is a month away from being 3. But I don't dare declare that he is potty trained. He's Henry, he throws curve balls frequently.

Some friends told us a few years back, that boys shouldn't potty train until they are 3. That they have more accidents if they potty train earlier. And my boys have all potty trained around that age and never really had accidents after that.

Wish me luck! And dryness.

1 comment:

Jocelyn said...

Congrats! You'll take a success when it comes, right?!

I was a bed wetter into my older years (like 8ish?). I have one bed wetter and she's not showing any signs of growing out of it anytime soon. It's still every single night.

My other 2 were the same way as yours, though, totally night trained from almost the beginning. It's so weird how different they all are.
I do think I potty trained Chloe too early and that has contributed to her night problem (and occasional day problems, too). I learned my lesson there.

Anyway, I'm happy Henry's getting it figured out!