Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Funny Kids

I love the funny things that kids say. I always love reading about it on other people's blogs. I frequently forget to write those things down, so here is today's attempt.

Isaac has been really funny lately because he picks up on grown up words and phrases, but doesn't quite know when they are appropriate. He tells us he's "nervous" at the funniest times. Or for example today he was going to the bathroom, and I overheard him say,

"Common toilet paper, you can do better than that!"

I don't quite know how the toilet paper could have done better, but I thought it was so funny!

And my favorite thing that Dawson says these days is, "Ouchie, help me." It sounds more like, "Outsie, hup me." He repeats this over and over when he's hurt. I love it.

Last night he was feeling sick right before family home evening. He kept saying it, "Ouchie, help me." So I told him we would pray for him in our opening prayer. I was amazed that at the age of 2 he could have faith in a God that he can't see or hear, but he believed praying would make it better. After the prayer he kept saying, "Christ fix it." He really believed that the Lord healed him.

And Henry, doesn't hardly make a peep, so he doesn't say anything funny. But he has been taking steps by himself for a week or two now. He can stand by himself for quite awhile too. Hopefully he'll be walking soon. He's still the most delightful human being on the planet!

I love my kids.


Jocelyn said...

Erica!!! Isn't it crazy how we all find each other?! I have often wondered how you and Dave are doing. Your boys are so cute! What gender is your new baby? I love that you've kept them close, too. We love it and holy cow, all of a sudden they're all getting older FAST. Chloe's in preschool and somehow that's changed everything.
Your family is beautiful. I would love to see you sometime. Maybe a play date or a date with Stanton and Dave?

Tiff Rudd said...

Love it! Being a mom is definitely one of the most entertaining jobs! Between that and teaching, I get a lot of good laughs!

Emily + Eric said...

Hey - the Stauffers broke down & started the blog back up! www.stauffyfam.blogspot.com
BTW - your kids are ridiculously adorable.