Monday, August 27, 2007


Dear Son,

I know that this situation isn't permanent, and it certainly isn't ideal. I realize that it's hard on both of us, we are both very squished. But my question for you is... What are you doing in there? I mean seriously, what could you possibly be doing that requires so much movement? There is nothing in there for you to do, so why do you need to move around so much?!! My Mom tells me that's the problem: there is nothing for you to do. You're bored. Maybe if I smuggled a game in there for you, it would keep you occupied, and you wouldn't have to wiggle around so much. Do you like Gameboys?

Now listen, if you were the second child I would just assume that this is a normal part of pregnancy. But your older brother Dawson NEVER moved around like this. He was so calm and gentle. But he was a difficult baby. So here is my deal for you: You can wiggle around all you want right now, kick, push, hiccup, whatever you want--- but as soon as you are born, you are to be a perfect little angel baby. Deal?

I look forward to meeting you. Please make it sooner rather than later, but of course not too soon. We're a little bit weird here, but I promise we are a lot of fun. We love you a lot already, and you must know that I am a very forgiving mother to keep you after all this prenatal monkeying around. That's true love.

My doctor told me that the brand new Women's Center is supposed to be done October 24th. So hopefully you will have a beautiful new place to be born. They even have a bed for Daddy this time so we don't have to share the hospital bed with him like Dawson and I did. That was a little bit squishy.

We'll see you in November.



Anonymous said...

This post os hilarious. I got such a kick out of reading it. I never really thought of it that way but after reading the post it makes total sense. Hopefully the new womens center will be done for the arrival of Henry George Low.

Trisha said...

Erica- THat waw such a sweet post! I love it:) I'm sure he will be a perfect ANGEL.
You better say your prayers for the construction crew to get it done on time!
Good luck:)

Jocee Bergeson said...

I can't believe that he is so wiggly! So fun...I guess?!?

Carrie said...

You are such a great blogger. Where do you get all of your ideas? I guess the real question is: where do you get all your time?

Anonymous said...

If you could have Henry around Nov 19th that would be great!!