Okay, I wrote this post on Monday. I have been waiting to scan in the ultrasound pictures before I posted it, but I am now realizing I am way too lazy. So I'll post it now anyway.
I'm going to write a positive post. Even though I'm tempted to complain. At 11 weeks I am already having contractions associated with movement, so I am ordered to take it easy until 16 weeks when I can start the awful shots that relax my uterus. Blah. I have a lot to do, it's not a happy topic for me to think about.
Sooooo, lets talk about the great part of my appointment yesterday. I got an ultrasound. In 4 weeks my baby went from a blob to a baby. I had 3 boys with me at the ultrasound, and I told them the baby was waving to them as he moved his little hand through amniotic fluid.
Ok, so I know that most of the world is hoping for me to have a girl, but I really and truly am thrilled with another boy. I'd be happy either way, I can't go wrong.
But I watched this little baby waving his little hands and feet around with his brilliant little flickering heart and I couldn't help but think it's a "he". Maybe that's due to the fact stated by my boys that we "have tons of boys already" and I can't imagine anything else anymore. I don't know, but I kind of got settled into thinking this is a boy. The boys are already calling him Walker, and I overheard them the other day listing off family members and they included Walker.
I already posted this, but William Walker Low was one of the first settlers in Providence. He has his name on plaques at the old rock church, and a huge headstone at the cemetery. He is the 1st of the 7 generations of Lows to live here, my boys being that 7th generation. His father was also named David Low. Buuuuut, I think we will switch the two names around and call him Walker William Low.
I promise you this, we haven't discussed girl names one time since we got pregnant. Dave tried to bring it up, and I think he thinks it's a girl, but I won't talk about it.
I find myself with a constant prayer in my heart. It's something to the effect of this. "Oh Heavenly Father, please send me one exactly like this." This prayer is in my heart as I spend my days with my current baby, none other than the G. monkey. I would love nothing more than to have a little clone of my G. Jesse. Send me the eyes and the long lashes, the evil grin, the tasty cheeks, the big appetite, the charming personality, the funny phrases, the quirkiness, I will even take the naughtiness (although if you want to leave that out I wouldn't mind). I am so madly in love with my 2 year old, and want this baby to be just like him. In.Every.Way.
But of course, they all come different, and I will take whatever God gives me and love it. I'm excited. I want a baby. And it's a darn good thing because it is NOT going to be easy to get one here. Dave tells me it's not much longer. I assure him that 24 weeks is a long ways away!