Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas Baby?

Apparently this baby thinks he's missing out this Christmas. He is trying his hardest to make an appearance before Christmas. Or maybe it isn't his fault, maybe it's just my wimpy uterus. Whatever the case is, I've started the Nifedipine early this pregnancy, which has reminded me why I don't like that silly drug. But it's pretty darn good at stopping contractions, and so is modified bedrest which is what the doctor ordered me to start today, along with Nifedipine every 6 hours. He said these next few weeks are crucial, and to keep the baby in at all costs. Don't anyone worry though, I'm a pro at this preterm labor thing, I'll keep this baby inside cooking, and he'll just have to wait until next Christmas. The good thing is that Dave has 2 weeks off of school, so he can really help me take it easy when the contractions come. Earlier in the day the contractions were coming every few minutes, and EVERY time I stood up. After the Nifedipine, and a few hours of laying down, the contractions had all but stopped, so this is a true blessing. I'm grateful for medical science!

Henry is officially back to walking. He removed his mental block, and is walking almost like he was before. We are so grateful for this wonderful Christmas present from him, the peace of mind in knowing that he is totally recovered from his nasty illness. It is a wonderful blessing, and we are grateful to our family and friends who have all been so concerned for him and us. Thanks!


brookiebaby said...

Uhh! Honey, I feel your pain...well maybe not..I dont' have three kids to chase around while I'm on bed rest and having contractions! :) No fun, not to mention, scary and un-nerving! But like you said, we are so lucky to live in a time when modern medicine can mean the difference of a 24 or 34 week baby!!! :) I went to the doctor the other day, and he was like, you seem like you're doing so much better, and you dont' seem as anxious about things. I was like, well, you try having contractions from week 14 on...your body becomes used to them, and your mind starts to understand which ones to freak out about, and which ones you can just pop Niphedpene (can't spell) for! :)Hang in there! Let's both cross our fingers for NO CHRISTMAS BABIES this year! :)

Jocee Bergeson said...

WOW! Your body really likes to kick those babies out. My body needs to take some of that advice! :) Keep us updated....