Thursday, November 20, 2008

20 weeks!

I am officially 20 weeks now. Which probably means no more than 16 weeks left of pregnancy for me. I'm actually at a pretty good stage right now, I'm only slightly nauseous, I sleep well at night, and I'm not uncomfortable at all. Today was my 20 week ultrasound, and our little baby boy measured right on, and appeared to be perfectly healthy.

I learned two new things today. First of all, I have suspected I have an "anterior" placenta because I just haven't felt this baby move much, and it's mostly on the sides. Sure enough, the u/s tech said he's nice and cushioned by that placenta right on the front, so I was right!

And second my doctor told me that since Henry came at 35 weeks and I started into labor at 34 weeks with him, I qualify to get the steroid shot at 32 weeks. The steroid shot helps the baby's lungs develop in the event of premature delivery. Now even though both of my premies had mature enough lungs, with the steroid shot I can feel a little bit more peace about delivering another premie. I have spent my last two labors feeling VERY nervous until the moment they were born and able to cry on their own. It will be really nice to know this time that I have history on my side as well as a steroid shot.

Because of the anterior placenta I didn't get any great shots in 3-d of the baby, but it was still a fun ultrasound.

Classic Profile of face

Why do my babies always cover their eyes in the womb?

The hand moved a little bit for this one.


Lo said...

I can't wait for babyLow number four! I remember seeing the ultrasounds like this for all your babies, and they've all been really cute and fun! I'll see you tomorrow :)

Bethany said...

Every time I see ultrasound pictures I am amazed at how incredible these little spirits are. I always wonder what they are thinking in there...Ha Ha. Anyway, congratulations on hitting the halfway point - or in your case exceeding the halfway point. Good luck and thank heaven for the steroid shots, I know they helped my little guy! Much love

brookiebaby said...

Yay for front placentas! :) I'm glad you post about things like this, because being my first time in the saddle, I dont' know what to ask for or expect. But I think that I may talk to my dr. tomorrow about the steriod shot. Because 32 weeks is just 2 weeks away for me...I'm glad to hear about your premie stories, because I only hear the horror stories, so it makes me breath a little easier knowing that all of your boys are healthy! Congrats on week 20!!!!