Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Rules

Dave and I have created the most complicated baby naming rules. You wouldn't believe how much time we spend talking about our baby names, and how many word documents Dave has created with lists of names. And of course we try to have our next baby's name picked out. (Except for a girl, we have no girl names.) Here are our rules so far...

1. No boy/girl names. We want you to know the gender of our child based on the name.

2. No unique spelling. If there is a more common spelling of the name we have chosen, we use it. Both of us have sisters name Aimee. How many times do people spell their name right?

3. No kid's names starting with the same letter. It's hard enough to remember your kids names, and even harder to remember other people's kids names. We're going to make it easier on people by making all the names start with different sounds.

4. On that note, they can't end the same either. We had a Jess-ica and and Er-ica in my family, that's against our rules. No more names that end with ak, ey, or on. Not spelling wise, but sound wise.

5. We like our names to be all from a different genre. Some families have all names like: Brittney, Shaylee, Kylee or Henry, George, and Theodore. That's against our rules. So far we have: Isaac- Old Testament, Dawson- trendyish, Henry- Old Traditional Name, and Spencer- Latter-day prophet. Yes, we count Spencer even though he hasn't been conceived yet.

At this point we're struggling to even come up with another name that complies with our rules. We try to trick each other saying, "Hey do you like the name Tucker?" And then if the other one says yes we say, "NO Tuck-ER, Spenc-ER!" I told Dave maybe that means that we can only have 4 boys. But he still sticks with his fairly offensive phrase, "What's the point of having girls?" I try to remind him the importance of a certain woman in his life, but he just isn't into RAISING girls. Which is fine, since we have boys. But I think it would be fun to have a girl next. I wish I knew the genders and order of our future children. Wouldn't it be fun to know? I always wanted boys until now, but after having 3 boys I'm thinking it would be a very exciting event to have a girl, and I'm all about keeping things exciting. So we'll see if we can ever pull it off, we may just be a boy family.

Anyway, straying from the topic, naming rules. We think it's great to have naming rules in your family. Even if your rules are different than ours, as long as you stick to your rules we love it. But have you ever met a family that has one totally random name in there? It just doesn't fit with the others?

So true story- we know of a family who decided that the husband could choose the boy's names and the wife could choose the girl's names. After three boys I think she was wishing they hadn't made that agreement. The names of their children, in order, Peter, James, and John. But hey, they stuck to their naming rules!

So what are your naming rules? Let's hear them.


Emily + Eric said...

I hope you don't mind that I check your blog! I'm a friend of Trisha's (we grew up in the same ward) & my husband is a fellow CES employee too. Anyway, I had to comment because our #1 rule is the same as yours - you know the gender of our children just from hearing their name. I worked in a Pediatricians office before our daughter was born & we actually compiled a list called "great names for your child." You wouldn't believe the hideous names and spellings that parents come up with! Also, thanks for the Preggot blog! I love it!
Emily Stauffer

Tauna said...

i love this post erica! on New Years at my mom's.... when we were talking about this I loved how Dave got so into it! it was great! After I read this post I couldn't help but think of DaLonne and JD Hucks --- 5 boys all ending in either an, on, en!

Heidi Kjar said...

Hi, my name is Heidi Kjar- friend of Tauna Roe and friend of Dave's. I hesitated to write a comment for obvious reasons:), and don't know if its "appropriate", but I have been reading your blog here and there, and wanted to let you know.
Life definately turned out the way it was supposed to for me and for you and Dave. YOu are the cutest couple! And from what I have read-
Dave is a lucky man to have you! Wow- you are an incredible person to say the least (and so CUTE). Anyways, just wanted to tell you "hi" and hope you are doing okay with all that is going on in your life at the moment. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Tauna said...

did someone really name their kids- peter james and john?! or is that a joke ;)
I have a new years card to send you,
I was going to e-mail you for your home address... but couldn't find your e-mail address- what?! I know I have it, I don't know what my problem is! would you be willing to e-mail me your home address? Thanks a bunch!

Jocee Bergeson said...

Ok, so I'm really struggling w/ the "no same letter" rule. I actually agree with you completely (and don't like it when other people do it), but I just love the name Sadie!! Darn. I guess I better get thinking. Another rule you could add is NO names that rhyme. Don't you agree? I heard of two brothers named Ty & Kai and although I like both names, thought it was silly!

Anonymous said...

Hey Erica!
I totally agree with the dual gender name rule...(Jordan, Dillon, etc.) and also with the genre deal. When I was growing up, our neighbors were all named after people in the scriptures. Kinda annoying.
And definitely NO kids with names that they spell "Kelly" Kelleigh or something stupid like that.
My last rule is no trendy names like Chloe, Madison, etc., the names that everyone is choosing these days.
I love old fashioned names though, which usually get a yuck response from others, but I love Hazel for a girl or Evelyn...(call here E-Vee) and Henry is my grandpa's name, so that is an option.....just my thoughts....

Gilpatric Family said...

I am one of Erica's Aunt. I like to be open minded about names. My parents named me June because I was due in June. Guess what? I came early! Now my whole life I have to say, "No, my birthday is actually in May!" My oldest daughter (who is Erica's age) is named Heather Elizabeth. I loved both of those names and could not choose between the two, so one became her middle name. My son, Ryan Robert, was a no brainer. We both heard Focus on the Family one day as Dr. Dobson talked about his son Ryan. We both agreed on it (my husband's name is Robert) Here comes #3 after a 11 year hiatus. I know she will be a girl, but absolutely no name can be agreed upon. My husband is a High School teacher and also is bothered by names that are spelled a million different ways, or not gender specific. One night 2 or 3 months into the pregnancy I wake up with this name in my head- Elizabeth Grace. I write it off since I already have a daughter with the name Elizabeth as a middle name. Surely that is a big "no-no". Again , the next night I wake up with that name in my head. It does not go away. I finally give in, feeling this is God's choice and I need to get on board. And you know what? She is definitely a Elizabeth Grace!