Wednesday, December 5, 2007

3 little boys

Life is still fun and exhausting with these 3 kids. We just love them all, and spend so much time laughing at them.

Yesterday in the car Isaac said, "Dawson poked me!" And of course Dawson had an evil little grin on his face. I can't believe this has started already!

Isaac is the innkeeper in his school nativity, and he is very good at his line, "NO ROOM!" Hilarious. This morning I told him we needed to get his innkeeper costume ready and he said, "Hmmm, I know, I could wear my Buzz Lightyear costume!"

The first thing Dawson wants in the morning is milk. The second, football. He runs in here, grabs the remote, and hands it to me saying, "ball, ball, ball." Sick!

One more thing I love about Isaac- he calls Dave and I "guys." He thinks we're just his buddies, and he'll say, "Hey guys, I have an idea!" Just like we're 3 friends all hanging out. I obviously need to start spanking him so he knows who is boss!

This picture explains itself doesn't it? My little Dawson monkey!

Dave thinks Dawson is goofy looking, but I think he's cute! Dave tells me it's a face only a mother could love. Personally, I think he's going to be gorgeous when he grows up with those blue eyes and big dimples.

Henry has the best wardrobe of any little baby boy west of the Mississsippi! Seriously, he has so many cute outfits, I feel like he should get his picture taken every day! Here are some of the favorites:

I love his handsome devil hoodie that Grandma Stevie gave him, but he doesn't look quite as handsome in this picture as he is in real life. He looks quite stressed out in this picture!

I don't know if this was a yawn or a scream. I can't remember!

This outfit was Isaac's originally... still cute!
Henry has not only accumulated an incredible wardrobe, but several nicknames including: Rico (Grandpa George), Ole Hen (Jesse), and Bubba (Daws). He is still a very sweet baby, but not perfect anymore. He has some fussy times, which are actually more stressful than when Dawson had colic because I don't know what is wrong with him. With Daws I knew that there was no way to stop him from crying, with Henry I frantically try everything I can think of to make him stop, and he does stop, but then he'll start again a few minutes later. It's really not much, definitely not colic, but it does exclude him from the "perfection" category. He's still sleeping well at night, he's doing 5 or 6 hours for the first stretch and then about 4 hours for the second. Sometimes I only wake up once at night! Keep it up dude!

1 comment:

Tauna said...

How's the mother of 3 boys doing? All three of them are so cute. Isn't life just crazy some times?! It so good to see how you handle life's events.... Now is the time to really enjoy this motherhood thing. For these are the times we will all look back on and remember when.
I agree with you.... we need to do something! Lets plan it.... I'll talk to you soon.