Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Brag (Isaac)

I have to brag. No, I shouldn't.....Yeah I will, no I won't.
Sorry, I have to. I can't help it. **DO NOT READ ON IF YOU DON'T LIKE BRAGGERS*
(In other words, don't read on unless you are a blood relative.)

We had Isaac's parent teacher conference today. Now Isaac is pretty much the dream oldest child. Bright, responsible, concerned with others, sweet. So naturally we would expect to hear all those things from his teacher at his conference, and we did. She said he is good to help others with their work, nice to people, and excelling in all his subjects. His scores were very high, the only things he seems to lose points on is spelling, and only 1 word per test at the most!

He recently told me that he does his reading group in the library. I was feeling a little bit concerned about this. I thought perhaps he was getting the shaft by this because they didn't have any reading aids to help him in the classroom. The more advanced readers usually don't get help with their reading groups. I felt kind of sorry for him that he wasn't getting the same level of reading help as the other kids. He told me that 6 kids from his class and a few kids from the other classes met together in the library for their reading group. And he LOVES the librarian who helps them.

We learned in the conference that they were able to create a special program for the top readers to go down and do some special activities in the library during their reading time. I then learned about all the things that Isaac had told me he had done (which were pretty cool) and that they were a part of this program. What a neat thing that the principal put together so that these kids no longer get the shaft! I'm pretty excited for him. And my mother bear instincts that made me feel bugged about it have relaxed.

I must also add that I love his teacher. I think she is so nice and doing wonderful things for him. I'm so grateful for good public schools!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

G Jesse

G Jesse will occasionally admit that is his name (although he sometimes only wants to claim the "G") but he will scream at you "I NOT GORDON!!!!" If you try to call him by his full name.

This kid is the world's BIGGEST monster, yet he is still the apple of my eye. He is adorable, charming, fun, but full of mischief. He is harder than the other 4 kids put together. And yet he feeds me with enough sweetness to melt my heart so I don't beat him.

I was just reading my blog from the past (something I do while I feed Walker to keep from getting bored) and I read the letter I wrote to G Jesse when I was sorting out my feelings about him being a boy.

"Whatever you look like, whoever you become, that all remains to be seen. I know that in about 20 weeks we will bring you home in the world’s tiniest monkey suit after the whirlwind which will be your birthday. "

I had to laugh. I.had.no.idea.just.how.much.of.a.whirlwind.his.birthday.would.be! And I had no idea how much of a whirlwind toddler he would turn into.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Dawson lost his other tooth.

He actually let me pull it out, which wasnt hard since he waited until it was hanging.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Christmas Eve at the Lows

I don't know if I have any pictures of Christmas. I haven't checked yet. But my brother in law took some great pictures of the Low family party! So at least I have some documentation of Christmas! The most important picture is at the top now. My 5 boys and their personalities. Isaac looking straight at the camera obediently. Dawson sticking his tongue through his missing tooth, and looking off to the side a little. Henry just happy to be there, folding his arms and smiling his crooked smile. G. Jesse not cooperating at all, always keeping us wondering. And Walker being a 2 month old who just wasn't sure why he was out in the cold weather without socks on.

Here is G. Jesse being a shepherd. It only lasted for a few seconds.

G. on Santa's lap. He was hiding in the study with the door closed and a terrified look on his face, but when I told him that Santa had Lightning McQueen he thought it was worth a try, so he came out to face Santa.

Henry on Santa's lap

Isaac on Santa's lap

Santa holding Walker

And Dawson had just asked Santa for an ipad.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Walker has a birthmark. It's called a Hemangioma. I had one when I was born just like it only on my head. They usually go away. Walkers has already faded. I know it sounds strange, but i love his birthmark. He is the only one of my boys to get one. It's in a place where you can't usually see it, so I don't have to answer a lot of questions about it. But it is so uniquely him and I love it. I hope it doesn't go away too quickly.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2 month and 4 year check ups

Took Walker and Henry to dr appts today. Both are growing well and healthy as can be.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Back to the birthday party

So we borrowed our friend's camera for Walker's birth so we could get better pictures than with our own camera. Unfortunately, Dave never checked to see if it was on automatic in the haste of the delivery, and took a whole bunch of overexposed pictures. Oh well, I have some sweet video of the whole thing, so we will live without the pictures.

Buuuut, my sister in law, Brooke took a few with her iphone and they are classic.

Here is the little guy after shooting through the birth canal in 15 seconds. Not too bad, but...

Here is what I remember seeing. He looks nothing like my children. Look how funny he looks! I said he didn't look like mine, and nurse Wendy assured me he hadn't left the room. And here comes the classic part.

SHE CAUGHT MY FACE! Here I am seeing my baby for the first time. I thought he was really funny looking. Look at the face I am making!

And a shot of me afterwards, after natural childbirth. I really didn't break a sweat. And I felt great.

Luckily, he started looking like a Low after a few hours, and by the next day I thought he was absolutely beautiful. But when people say they were in love with their babies from the start, I can't say I've always felt that way. It takes me a few minutes!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy new year!

Happy new year. I must admit I didn't want 2011 to end. What a wonderful year this was to have my mom live here by us, Dave's parents serve a mission in Malaysia, and to welcome our fifth boy here. Our children are healthy and happy. What more could we want? How could 2012 possibly get better? I'm too exhausted for new years festivities, so after a 5 minute trip to the neighbors house and a kiss from my sweetheart, we took this picture in bed and I'm off to slumberland. Love to all my family and friends. Let's have a wonderful 2012.