Thursday, January 14, 2010

Deep thought

Everyone is using such different names these days. If you use a super common name like Kim or Melissa will it sound really exotic when that child is in high school?

Randomly I would like to write that I saw a lady at Macey's last night that literally looked like she had a yoga ball inside her shirt. I stopped twice to stare. I hope she has triplets in there. Maybe sextuplets. Until that moment in time I was convinced that I had been the largest pregnant woman of all time. Now I know that she is. I hope she delivers tomorrow. Because she must be in tremendous pain.


I've sent my sweet little Isaac to school, and he's picked up some "not-so-sweet" behaviors lately. "I don't care" is the latest. "Isaac, we don't say that word." "I don't care." Oh honey, you will care when you're grounded from the Wii. OOOOHHHHH it makes me so mad. School is a tough thing, but he'll have to learn how to keep his manners even if the kids in his class don't. He's really done pretty well, but don't you expect perfection from your oldest? ;) If you have any advice for me, please let me know.

Isaac was playing the Wii before school (his morning ritual) and he came into my room and told me he was sick. Nice try son. Go eat some breakfast. He totally isn't sick, he just wanted to stay home and play the Wii all day. Little monkey!

I went to his parent teacher conference on Tuesday. He is doing much better than at the beginning of the year, which is naturally a great thing. But I do think that his new teacher is a little less likely to tell me negative things than the old teacher was. The very interesting thing was his test results from the Dibels testing. There were three sections of the test. 1. First sound of the word. 2. Isolate each sound. 3. Read nonsense words like "Jib" or "lob" that prove the ability to do the first two things and blend it together. So the funny thing is that he scored on the very bottom of the Kindergarten benchmark score for the first two. That would be a little bit concerning except that the third score, which can only be achieved through mastery of the first two, was much higher. His third score was actually at the top of the second grade benchmark.

So I learned two things. One, he's doing fine on his reading, I need to work on spelling with him so that ISCDT doesn't spell "ice skating" and two, testing is so faulty. Seriously, he must have been distracted or confused on the first two tests. I've quizzed him on them since then, and he's nailed it. I need to remember not to worry about test scores too much, because sometimes, and in this case, they prove nothing. Isaac also needs to work on his hand writing. He has terrible handwriting. I guess he takes after his parents.

Our little Isaac is a pretty good Kindergartner. We really do love him. What, oh what, would you do without your oldest child? They are so valuable!

Oh yeah, see disclaimer 12/11/2009

Monday, January 11, 2010

Hemy Boy

My little Hemy Boy has the cutest language. Anything he doesn't know how to say he just fills in with jibberish. An adult stranger can ask him a question and he will look them right in the eye and give them a very long answer that includes very few words. He does however say plenty of words and is right on schedule with his age, which I didn't think would happen with him at first. The words and sayings he says are so cute. I don't want to forget them. I'll be adding more to this post later, this will be my holding spot for Henry-isms. So here are some of the things he says,

Did it!
A Funnay- means a bunny. I love it and talk about bunnies all the time just so I can hear him say it.
Don't wannit
ChaChow- Kachow like Lightning McQueen
He says all his brothers names, G., Aye-dit for Isaac, and Dos which can't be written to include the tiny little lisp he has when he says it or the way he purses his lips together to say it, yep I want to eat him up!
He hit me
I want sanwich- anything in bread form
fitz it- for fix it
One of my favorites- After watching Bolt one day he was pointing to the characters and instead of calling the girl "Penny" he called her "Money" pretty intelligent association I think.
Noooo MITH!- Joseph Smith
Henry can sing Jingle Bells and Praise to the Man, with some of the real words, but many of his own words too.
Henry can sing the theme songs to Indiana Jones and Star Wars and has been able to do that since he was 1.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Random Pics

I just downloaded all my pictures from 2009 onto my computer. I found some pictures that were never blogged, and here they are in no particular order. There will probably be more to come.

My little Henry is a different kind of child. He really wants to be a baby still, and can often be found in the swing, high chair, or saucer. Here he is stuck from trying to get out of the Jumperoo.

My two little stud muffins eating breakfast before school. Seriously, I love these boys, and I can't wait until my bar is surrounded by teenage boys eating breakfast. They'll be so hot! But I'll need three loaves of bread just for breakfast!

Isaac with his new teacher Mrs. Carson. He really likes her. His teacher Miss Melanie was diagnosed with leukemia and is undergoing treatments right now. He misses her too.

Isaac's Christmas program. So cute.

My son is the nerd in the middle. ;)

We let the boys sleep under the Christmas tree two nights before Christmas. They loved it!

Don't be deceived though. Isaac and Daws fell right asleep and slept through all of Dave and my night time activities. Henry..... just couldn't fall asleep. Ended up in his crib. But not before I caught him on camera making his "camera face."

My blue eyed boys playing together. A rare photograph of Henry NOT making his "camera face."

Why oh why can't I catch a picture with all four boys looking normal? G. must have been crying because his nose and eyes are red and swollen.

Pretty accurate photography right here. Henry making the camera face. Isaac snuggling and posing perfectly. G...... probably caveman grunting at the camera. And Dawson, the boy with the best smile!

Grammy got these boys matching McQueenie pajamas. They loved them. This might be Christmas morning. I really don't know though.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Just sayin'

If I were on the same schedule as the last two times I would be about 2.5 months pregnant right now. Well, I'm not. And it feels really good. I feel like I can breathe a little bit. And the Accutane is still my best friend despite the cracks in my nostrils, lips and ears. How's that for gruesome blogging? But it's true the Accutane has dried me right out, and eliminated my need for makeup. I love it. Only two more months of it. And no, I'm not getting pregnant as soon as I go off of the Accutane. I'm enjoying this break too much. And how will you know when I'm ready to get pregnant again? When you see a post titled, "MY BASEMENT IS FINISHED." We have no room upstairs for another child, so that is a prerequisite. And at the rate we're moving, it will never be done. :(


My little Henry is learning to share. A little bit. He really likes sitting in G.'s high chair, but if you ask him to share it with G. he will. I'm very impressed. It's a big step for such a spoiled little boy. He still has a long way to go. He is two years old after all.