Thursday, April 17, 2008

Are you Moroni? Do you know where he is?

Growing up in New Jersey, and then living back East again, Aimee and I had many chances to go to the Hill Cummorah Pageant in Palymyra, New York. When Aimee was in high school, she and her friends would walk around before the pageant asking, "Are you Moroni? Do you know where he is?...... Aww, well can we get our picture taken with you?" It was their way of meeting all the hot Book of Mormon characters, kind of a pick up line. When I went with Aimee when I was in college, we of course had to keep her tradition going. So when we finally found Moroni, we were somewhat disappointed. Moroni was usually the strongest, best looking character, but this Moroni was lacking a little bit. We still got our picture taken with him as shown below.

I like to think that every once in awhile, Aimee still does this. She can comb through the spirit world asking, "Are you Moroni?" and hopefully meeting some really hot Book or Mormon characters. Maybe some day she can marry a Moroni, or maybe one of the 2000 stripling warriors never married. The selection on the other side must be better than it is here, at least I hope it is for Aimee and Jessica.

1 comment:

Christie said...

I love that you kept that tradition going.. and I have no doubt that Aimee is keeping it up as well :-)