Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Snowed in

Does this look normal to you?

Today I drove Isaac to school and was thrilled to see my driveway. Unfortunately, when I went to pick him up 2.5 hours later I could no longer see my driveway, in fact there was several inches of snow. Luckily, we have a snowblower. I enjoyed learning how to use the snowblower, and cleared our driveway, and both our next door neighbors. This did not happen without my hair getting totally covered in snow. So naturally I placed the camera on the kitchen table, squatted, and took this incredible picture of myself, looking like I had no torso. What a great self-portrait. Why did I squat? I think I was worried I was too tall for this picture. Ha! When was the last time I was too tall for anything?

1 comment:

Lo said...

I love the crouching over picture, it seems like something I would do! This snow is crummy, but we've had some nice days. :)