Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Great Day!

Today was a great day. Two great things happened today. First of all we had Henry's 4 month appointment (He actually was 4 months old yesterday). It was so nice to tell the doctor I had no questions or problems. He is happy, he eats well, he sleeps well, and he is in perfect health all the time. RSV season is almost over, and it looks like we made it safely through the winter without anything more than a few days of runny noses! I can't bring myself to stay home when I have a baby, I'm at church the very next Sunday and with Henry I was at the Aggie game 5 days later. *blush*. So we have been very blessed to have such a healthy, happy baby even though we don't shelter him from the disease ridden world.

Henry's stats:
Height: 50% (I thought he would be taller than that)
Weight: 25%
Head Size: 10% (Unheard of in our family, we have BIG heads in our family)

Henry was smiling and cooing at the nurses, and his feelings were very hurt when they pricked him with 3 needles. But he recovered very quickly, what a champ!

The second great thing of the day happened after I put the kids to bed. Tonight I weighed myself before I got in the bath and.....................................
I'm finally back to my prepregnancy weight! I have to enjoy these few months of feeling good, because before I know it I'll be pregnant and fat again. And to make it all even better, I'm wearing my sister-in-laws hand-me-down jeans (which must be mismarked, because I know deep down inside that I'm not that size). Not that my prepregnancy weight is that awesome, but at least I know that I'm no worse off than I was before I got pregnant.


Unknown said...

WOW! What a great day! Congrats! Is your linea negra gone yet?

Tim, Crista and Addy said...

It cracks me up to read your blog sometimes, you are so funny! Yippeee for prepreggo weight! Your little guys are so cute, take care.

Tiff Rudd said...

Awesome! Good news on cute little Henry! And, I'm so proud of you and your weight! I can't wait to be able to say that!! Sorry I am taking so long to write those preggot posts - It is on the growing "to do" list!

Brittney said...

wahoo--that is, indeed, a glorious weigh-in day. and your family is super duper cute. :)