Monday, September 12, 2011

Preparing for Baby Walker

We have lived here for 5 years now. I have had 3 soon to be 4 babies live in this nursery. And I never totally finished decorating it. Sad, I know. No one ever looks at my nursery anyway, they only do that with the first baby. So there are bare spots on the walls, and the pictures aren't current... Oh well. But we just did the deep clean to get it ready for baby Walker. I'm still not quite ready to move G. out, but at least it's clean now. I have a checklist of things to do to get ready for the baby, and so now this is checked off...... except I still need to move the clothes around a re-organize the closet.

I got rid of my wooden glider and we bought this old leather rocker/recliner from someone off KSL. I was so sick of my head bobbing at night while I nurse the baby, so now I can lean back and sleep while the baby eats. Comfort has trumped looks. That WASN'T the case when I had Isaac!

I was sitting in my new rocker yesterday and Dave walked in. He grabbed the bag of ABC blocks and formed the name "Walker." It was like crowning the prince. It made me smile. I *think* that these blocks belonged to Walker's great great grandma Low. It would be the wife of William Walker Low's grandson Alfred. So fitting with his name to have some family history in the nursery.

So while I will never finish my nursery, here it is (difficult to capture with my zoom lens on, but whatever)

1 comment:

Jocelyn said...

It's really nice in there! I can't say I ever actually did a nursery for my kids -- it never seemed like a big deal.

Actually, we DID paint this really adorable and wonderful nursery for Chloe when she was born, but then we ended up moving about 6 weeks after she arrived, so maybe I got discouraged? ha!