Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Re-joining the world of technology

So for those of you who know, I got rid of my cell phone last winter when I was on bedrest. I didn't leave the house, so there wasn't much reason to have a cell phone. I actually quite enjoyed getting rid of it. It was refreshing to leave the house without people bugging me when I was out. And when the baby came, I had to strip my life down to complete simplicity in order to survive. This was one less thing to worry about.

When school started I felt guilty to not supply the schools with cell phone numbers to get a hold of us. I realized I needed to re-join the technology world and get a new cell phone. Ultimately I didn't want any other cell phone than the iphone. But I just couldn't rationalize the monthly cost of that. I found out that Sprint had a pretty sweet new plan with unlimited text, internet, and tv. I like that idea, so we took the plunge. I planned to get the free phone, but decided to get the Palm Pixi instead because it is so much like the iphone. I'm sure the iphone is better in some ways, but I actually found out some pretty cool features that the Pixi has that the iphone doesn't. In the end, the really selling point for me was the Disney channel. My phone gets the Disney Channel live and has recordings. It is awesome. It kept my kids captivated at a doctor's appt, which was fantastic.

The Pixi has a touch screen and apps and works very similarly to the iphone. It is actually the smallest smart phone on the market at the moment. One thing that it does better than the iphone is you can have multiple apps open at one time. It has a flash on the camera, and the internet looks just like it does on a computer. But of course, I know nothing about what is really cool on a cell phone anymore, I have been so out of the loop. But now I am re-joining with a top of the line cell phone that will be obsolete in about 1.3 months. Then I will fall behind again and become totally clueless in what the latest cell phone technology is. Oh well. For now, I am having lots of fun with my phone, and learning how to text message. And when these stupid things go on sale, I am going to buy one of these.

Unlike skins for most phones, this IS the back of the phone. Not just a skin that you put on top of it. It's made out of a cool rubbery material, and fits on seamlessly. It's a sleek little set up, and I really want a back like this so I can tell the difference between my phone and Dave's (he got the same one)


Jocelyn said...

Live Disney Channel = Awesome.

That skin is so cute and, well, stylish. Who knew a cell phone could be stylish?

The Van Leeuwen Family said...

I love my palm phone! I've had it for awhile now & a few months ago it went into self destruct mode & I thought I was going to die while I waited for my replacement to arrive. I'm sure you'll love having it (again)!

Mindy said...

I know nothing about phones too. I got my because it was PINK. Seriously. P.s. Love that cover, sooo cute!