Thursday, March 29, 2007

The letter L makes an excellent gun

I bet you didn't know that. But the letter L magnet frequently becomes a gun. I was just handed a letter J to fight back, but personally, I didn't think J was that great for a gun. So I told Isaac that I didn't want to shoot him. I only shoot the bad-guys, and he is a good-guy. He then informed me that he is a bad-guy and proceeded to show me his bad-guy face. He was more than happy to show you all his bad-guy face. Here it is, and notice the green L-gun

Also notice the banana and the poptart package on the table. I told him he could have a poptart as soon as he ate the banana. You see he has a tendency of asking for a banana any time he's hungry. Naturally, it's the first thing he sees. Then he takes 2 bites and abandons it. Well, I apparently lost the banana/poptart battle because right now he is sitting at the table devouring a poptart, and the banana is still whole-2 bites. I didn't think he could open packages like that, but where there's a will there's a way. It's better than the Diego fruit snacks battle we had earlier. I think he ended up eating 6 packages of Diego snacks. *Sigh*

I'm glad that I can find some humor in this, because it has been a rough day. Dawson was.... well Dawson. He is NOT easy. I told him today that I'm sending him to boot camp until he's 5. Then I'll reconsider. He just cries all the time, and needs constant entertainment.

Usually Isaac is SO easy, but today was a different story. Maybe it's because we didn't watch any T.V. today. We had a lot of time outs today, and 6 packages of fruit snacks. (Just one more Mommy okay?)

Let's just say that we won't be buying fruit snacks anymore. Or poptarts :)

1 comment:

Trisha said...

I didn't think you had bad days... jk, lol. My weakness is nilla wafers. Naomi will make a little please face and then do her adorable baby sign for "more", "please", "eat"
I mean really, how can I say no?