This is my G. man. Or G. Monkey, G. Chunkey, G. Chubber, pretty much anything you can put after "G." I do. He is so cute to me. So delicious. I nearly kissed a hole in his cheeks this morning. He has the most beautiful, huge, blue eyes with SUPER long lashes, that bunch up when he smiles (as pictured above) he has small dimples in his cheeks and a huge one in his chin that pop when he smiles. He is just adorable...............
But he's so much trouble. Definitely my busiest baby ever. And really, really smart. Smart is a great thing, but it's not helpful when you're 1. It just gets you into trouble. He uses his intellect to say super cute things that a lot of babies his age never say, that's cute. But he uses it to come up with the messiest, most ridiculous activities that I can hardly keep up with. I have spent most of the last month cleaning up after him hence the lack of blogging. He is so naughty. He learned how to climb up my bar stools, and sometimes he turns the faucet away from the sink and then turns in on. It's only through constant vigilance that our house hasn't flooded....yet. He empties out the box of Marshmallow Mates (curses to that stupid cereal) and then he picks out the marshmallows. He mixes my buckets of flour and sugar, even when I think the lids are on tight. He turns on the bathwater and you can fill in the many blanks of things you can do with large amounts of running water when you are a baby. He eats cereal very nicely with a spoon, as well as yogurt, but you can never tell when he's going to decide he's done and dump it off the side of his high chair. 2 Seconds of fun for him, 20 minutes of cleaning for me.
As I mentioned, he speaks well for a child that age. He had a huge explosion of words a few months ago, now he hasn't learned a ton of new words, but he echos phrases he hears and it makes me laugh. Some of the cuter things he says are:
Hot Chocolate (Very clearly, there is no mistaking what he wants)
I got it!
I want a bot-tle!
I want my boot (ahwanmaboooooot)
He very cheerfully shouts "Night night" when I put him to bed at night
I can feel the beginning of a new stage with him, the very early buds of some focus out of him. Two miraculous things have happened just in the last week or two.
1. He has sat down to watch a TINY bit of TV. He hasn't even looked at the TV since he was in an infant seat. He's been way too busy. A little bit of tv every day would give me some relief from him.
2. He is incredibly fascinated by books. He would probably sit all day and read books with me. We have a basket of Christmas books and he goes to the basket and picks his books and brings them back to read. Reading would be a good outlet for that creative brain of his.
And the great miracle I should mention is that he hasn't even touched the Christmas tree. I thought it would be toast within hours, but he just isn't that interested in it. Phew.
These pictures were taken because I gave him a faux hock? and we both thought it was hilarious.
He is sooo stinkin' adorable!! Even if he is a little bit of trouble! :)
Oh, I could just copy this post and put it on my blog. This is Grey to a "t"!!! Grey will push the chairs around the house, to climb on the counter to pull out all the cups, etc. I call him my monster. I can't wait for this stage to end. Love when you update :)
He is just darling, though! You pretty much just summed up 12-18 months with all of my children. :)
What a doll! This post made me bust out laughing! Kids! I'm so glad you took the time to write that post (I'm sure you took a risk of having something in your house destroyed)lol -Rachael Bowen Elliott
What a cutie!
What's the pins and needles announcement? I can't wait anymore. Come on, fess up!
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