There it sat.... An unopened can of Draino sitting on top of my parents refrigerator. It was calling to me, "~Erica~, it's time to take the Draino test." With sweat dripping down my face, I could resist it no longer. I strapped on my protective eyewear, put on my labcoat, and went to work.
What you don't know is that all the OB/GYNs of the world are harboring a conspiracy against the pregnant world, desperately trying to keep them in ignorance of the truth about Draino. The truth you might ask? Yes, the truth about Draino is that it can reveal the gender of your unborn baby BEFORE an ultrasound. But the easily accessible internet has leaked their secret out onto a few websites, including http://www.bobandtom.com/frames/draino_test.htm.
So I did it. I peed! 2 oz of urine and 2 T. of Crystal Draino. And the results (as shown above, although it's not the best picture. It was blue-er in real life)- It's a Girl! Blue/green with no reaction is a girl, and brown and bubbly is a boy. My Sister-in-Law did it with both of her boys and got a big brown bubbly reaction, and her friend did it at the same time and got blue/green and she had a girl. I have another Sister-in-law (Trisha- you know who you are) who was severely disappointed in me for even wasting 2 T. of Draino on this silly test. She claims there is conflicting information on which color it should turn, but I would have you know Trish that I wasn't able to find a single website that said the opposite, so there! :)
So naturally since I don't own anything pink, I went shopping and dropped a thousand bucks on girl attire........... NOT! You don't really think I believe in this test do you? But it was really fun to do. I actually still think it's a boy, but we'll see. We only have boy stuff, and only a boy name, (Henry George after my Dad and Grandfather who were/are George Henry Biada Sr/Jr. Isn't it cute!) so if it is a girl we're going to have a lot of preparation to do before November. I'm sure all the work to prepare for a girl will be fun when we actually do get to that pink point of our lives, but in the mean time we have a VERY blue house.
So I'm sorry, but you'll all have to wait until the official ultrasound which should be early July. But when all is said and done, if it is a girl, you'll all know that the Draino test really does work!
What you don't know is that all the OB/GYNs of the world are harboring a conspiracy against the pregnant world, desperately trying to keep them in ignorance of the truth about Draino. The truth you might ask? Yes, the truth about Draino is that it can reveal the gender of your unborn baby BEFORE an ultrasound. But the easily accessible internet has leaked their secret out onto a few websites, including http://www.bobandtom.com/frames/draino_test.htm.
So I did it. I peed! 2 oz of urine and 2 T. of Crystal Draino. And the results (as shown above, although it's not the best picture. It was blue-er in real life)- It's a Girl! Blue/green with no reaction is a girl, and brown and bubbly is a boy. My Sister-in-Law did it with both of her boys and got a big brown bubbly reaction, and her friend did it at the same time and got blue/green and she had a girl. I have another Sister-in-law (Trisha- you know who you are) who was severely disappointed in me for even wasting 2 T. of Draino on this silly test. She claims there is conflicting information on which color it should turn, but I would have you know Trish that I wasn't able to find a single website that said the opposite, so there! :)
So naturally since I don't own anything pink, I went shopping and dropped a thousand bucks on girl attire........... NOT! You don't really think I believe in this test do you? But it was really fun to do. I actually still think it's a boy, but we'll see. We only have boy stuff, and only a boy name, (Henry George after my Dad and Grandfather who were/are George Henry Biada Sr/Jr. Isn't it cute!) so if it is a girl we're going to have a lot of preparation to do before November. I'm sure all the work to prepare for a girl will be fun when we actually do get to that pink point of our lives, but in the mean time we have a VERY blue house.
So I'm sorry, but you'll all have to wait until the official ultrasound which should be early July. But when all is said and done, if it is a girl, you'll all know that the Draino test really does work!
Can I just say your last two posts have been hilarious! I'm sorry I ever doubted, please accept my humble apologies!
AND, since it indicates GIRL, I'm going to have to start believing in the test- you're going to have a girl you know.
So I'll start brainstorming names that you are free to use:)
Lola (family name, it's cool huh!)
Mercedes (European, sounds sophisticated)
Elsie (old-fashioned and sweet)
Cambria (It was in the running for Naomi, I don't know a name can be up for election more than once with me...)
So I know you have a strict no-name telling rule (kinda) but let me hear some of your girl name ideas (even those not okayed by Dave yet)
Congrats! That is so exciting I hope you have a girl.
I have to say...I have NEVER heard of the Draino test. That is hilarious! I'll have to give it a try when baby #2 comes along...
I hope your baby is a GIRL! They are the best. ha ha ha (I'm a bit biased).
Found you while doing a search.... I did both drano test (has to be the crystal drano) on my girl and boy and it was right both times. Same for my sister that has 2 boys and 1 girl! I DO THINK IT WORKS, ITS ALL HORMONES!
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