Do I think negatively of you if you walk into the hospital to deliver a baby with a target signs on your arm and back saying, "pit here, and epidural here?" Nope. in fact I encourage it if that is what you want to do. I only encourage you to be sure you won't regret your decision, do your research. My research told me that delivering a baby was not equivalent to amputating your leg like that girl told me in my first pregnancy. It is actually pretty awesome. It makes me want to have like 15 more babies....
And my personal experience has told me that my body wants to feed twins....... or nothing at all. Pumping in those early NICU days produced a large supply of milk. I was able to slowly decrease my pumping to twice a day, about 11-12 ounces a day. I tried pumping once a day, and my whole supply dropped dramatically. So I pump twice a day, donate the milk, and am not starting this baby on solid foods until he makes the choice to grab a french fry off my plate and eat it to my horror. (Oh wait, that was how I had my first food) The dr told me as long as I give him a few spoonfuls here and there to train his tongue, we don't have to make a habit out of it for awhile.
So onward I go breastfeeding this sweet little piggy. I hope I make a PR with this. Any time past July I will accomplish that. Go ahead, call me a hippie!
Walker William
4 months old with Rhinovirus and a fever :(
12 lbs 3 oz 10%
24 in 20%
Sweetest little pumpkin ever, who loves his mommy. Loves me so much he wants to hang out with me every night at least once in the night. And since his mommy is a hippie now, she's ok with it. :)
On our good nights he goes to sleep at 8 ish and wakes up around 3 ish. He almost always eats and goes right back to sleep, but if he doesn't he will find himself in the swing in the night. I usually try to take him in bed with me for eating and snuggles when he wakes up around 5 or 6. He sleeps like a rock in bed with me. He loves it. He will sleep until 9ish and he's up for the day.
Walker loves to stand, coo, smile, and laugh. He doesn't roll over or sit yet. He has pretty blue eyes, darkish hair on the top, and chubby cheeks. He likes to munch on his hands and loves his binky.
He is still swaddled at night, or in a sleep sack with mittens. He can sleep anywhere, and I'm trying to keep it that way as long as possible.
He loves his mobile and swing, not super into the bumbo and saucer yet, and hates tummy time. He can take a bottle without a problem, but I try really hard not to let him have them as it seems to sabotage my breastfeeding.
He is an angel and if I keep having babies like him, I might just keep having babies forever.